An individual India
can not bring a Big change but together we Proud Indians
can make a big difference. The pace at which we Indians are moving ahead is slow. It would take two generations before India would be known as the Greatest Nation of the world..
The main Goals are:
- End corruption in India
- At least 90% literacy rate nation wide.
- Better infrastructure in India
- Solve Health Issues
and Better health facilities in India
- Equality
Few Indians Say : Impossible !
"we are daily witnessing the phenomenon of the impossible of yesterday becoming the possible of today " - M.k Gandhi
We Indians have achieved a lot and I am proud of it. But we Indians can do much more than this :
- The largest democratic country
- Indian Economy
is One of the largest economies
- One of the most culturally diverse countries
- Indian Growth rate of over 9 % and India rising
- Indian Military Might,one of the wold's strongest
- World renowned Indian Technical and Management universities-IIT,IIM
- Indian Self sufficiency in agriculture and in certain industrial sectors
- Indian Open economy,helps in trade with other countries
- Abundant resources,natural and Human resources
- India Travel
Tourism : Some of the top few Famous destinations ,Tourist Places are in India
- Indian Growth in the industrial sector
- Freedom for the press in India , Free Indian Media
- Indian Space program (ISRO) , Defence Research and Development and Nuclear Technology
But Communal violence destroys the unity among Indians mainly caused by political reasons are Hurdles before the growth of Indian Economy
.There are many Indians who are not proud of India
and complain about it...There is no point migrating to other countries and being proud of that country..
Now is the time for you to be Proud Indians
and make a difference. Help India in any way possible. India Your knowledge ,Your skill ,Your time your Ideas are all helpful in Developing India and making India a Great Nation. We Need You, India needs you..The problems you cant' ignore can't discard it but you can change it.
You are India,The way you react is how India will react. For those who gave their lives for our Freedom or independence...for those who died protecting our Mother India....for you.. For our future generation..for ourselves.Today is the day..make the right choice..I have made mine its your turn..strive for a better a proud Indian
and Join us !
Garv se Kaho Mai INDIAN Hoon.
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